Derecho humano al trabajo de los migrantes en Uruguay
Since the sanction of Law 18.250 changes the concept of migration in our country, human mobility is an inalienable right that the State must guarantee. Uruguay is a pioneer in legislating for the rights of
migrants. It has signed and ratified most international instruments of human rights for migrants, being at the forefront of domestic law.
However, all these efforts and recognitions remain insufficient; we have identified difficulties in ensuring compliance with national and international legislation, especially in relation to the protection of the human right to work of migrants.
The purpose of this work is to analyze the protection and vulnerabilities to the human right to work of migrants in Uruguay, to examine the conditions under which migrants access and work, and how they are covered/helpless by legislation.
The access to the labor market in Uruguay acts as an inclusive means for migrants and their families, ensuring access to other social rights and policies such as education and health; it is important that the
State continues to promote public policies for human mobility to strengthen the fundamental rights of migrants, exercising the necessary control to ensure that rights are guaranteed beyond infringement.
Keywords: migration, human rights, right to work, labor law, vulnerabilities.