Turismo receptivo en Uruguay – Pág. 83 a 103

Turismo receptivo en Uruguay – Pág. 83 a 103


  • Daniela Rodríguez
  • Florencia Rodríguez
  • Noemia Montelongo


This article focuses on the evolution of receptive tourism in Uruguay during the 2008-2013period. It
takes into consideration all visitors that enter Uruguay as tourists, and considers their nationality, entry
points, main destinations, accommodation options and income in foreign currency.
Keywords: Tourism – Receptive – Uruguay – 2008-2013.



How to Cite

Rodríguez, D. et al. 2018. Turismo receptivo en Uruguay – Pág. 83 a 103: Turismo receptivo en Uruguay – Pág. 83 a 103. REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE CIENCIAS EMPRESARIALES Y ECONONOMÍA. 7, 7 (Mar. 2018).